Summary statistics from the 2000 and 2010 United States Census including population, demographics, education, and housing information for each block group in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.
This dataset has the following 45 columns:
Column Name | API Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Values |
UNIQUE ID | unique_id | number | Unique identifier of record comprised of Census Year and FIPS Code | 2000220330001001 2000220330001002 2000220330002001 2000220330002002 2000220330002003 view top 100 |
CENSUS YEAR | census_year | number | Year in which census data was reported | 2000 2010 view top 100 |
TRACT | tract | text | Census tract number | 2 42.01 10 34 9 view top 100 |
BLOCK GROUP | block_group | number | Census block group number | 1 2 3 4 5 view top 100 |
FIPS ID | fips_id | number | Federal Information Processing Standards which is a combination of the state, county, tract and block group codes | 220330042031 220330038042 220330038043 220330038051 220330038052 view top 100 |
TOTAL POPULATION | total_population | number | Total population of the Census block group | 1004 1268 1043 738 1032 view top 100 |
POPULATION WHITE | population_white | number | Total white population of the block group | 1 2 4 10 0 view top 100 |
POPULATION BLACK | population_black | number | Total black population of the block group | 29 625 403 44 34 view top 100 |
POPULATION ASIAN | population_asian | number | Total Asian population of the block group | 0 1 2 3 6 view top 100 |
POPULATION OTHER | population_other | number | Total other population of the block group | 0 1 2 3 4 view top 100 |
POPULATION AMERICAN INDIAN | population_am_indian | number | Total American Indian population of the block group | 0 1 2 3 5 view top 100 |
POPULATION PACIFIC ISLANDER | population_pacf_island | number | Total population of Pacific Islanders | 0 1 2 5 3 view top 100 |
POPULATION ONE RACE | population_one_race | number | Total population of people of one race | 1465 1172 732 1217 1675 view top 100 |
POPULATION MULTI RACE | population_multi_race | number | Total population of people of multiple races | 17 11 12 10 6 view top 100 |
POPULATION 25 OLDER | population_25_older | number | Total population of the block group that is 25 years or older | 682 784 432 525 618 view top 100 |
MEDIAN AGE | median_age | number | Median age of the block group | 32 35.4 35 36.799999999999997 38.4 view top 100 |
MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME | median_household_income | number | Median household income of the block group | 45000 27500 25993 81250 32500 view top 100 |
HIGH SCHOOL MALE | high_school_male | number | Number of male high school graduates | 0 66 52 141 47 view top 100 |
HIGH SCHOOL MORE MALE | high_school_more_male | number | Number of males with more than a high school education | 74 98 191 204 269 view top 100 |
COLLEGE 1 YR LESS MALE | college_1yr_less_male | number | Number of males with less than one year of college education | 0 8 10 7 9 view top 100 |
COLLEGE 1 YR MORE MALE | college_1yr_more_male | number | Number of males with more than one year of college education | 0 37 39 31 12 view top 100 |
ASSOCIATES DEGREE MALE | associates_degree_male | number | Number of males with an associates degree | 0 7 9 8 10 view top 100 |
BACHELORS DEGREE MALE | bachelors_degree_male | number | Number of males with a bachelors degree | 0 7 6 48 15 view top 100 |
MASTERS DEGREE MALE | masters_degree_male | number | Number of males with a masters degree | 0 5 7 16 15 view top 100 |
PROFESSIONAL DEGREE MALE | professional_degree_male | number | Number of males with a professional degree | 0 6 10 8 11 view top 100 |
DOCTORAL DEGREE MALE | doctoral_degree_male | number | Number of males with a doctoral degree | 0 8 17 9 11 view top 100 |
HIGH SCHOOL FEMALE | high_school_female | number | Number of female high school graduates | 67 0 90 97 82 view top 100 |
HIGH SCHOOL MORE FEMALE | high_school_more_female | number | Number of females with more than a high school education | 271 192 169 185 281 view top 100 |
COLLEGE 1 YR LESS FEMALE | college_1yr_less_female | number | Number of females with less than one year of college education | 0 17 8 18 9 view top 100 |
COLLEGE 1 YR MORE FEMALE | college_1yr_more_female | number | Number of females with more than one year of college education | 0 51 58 61 93 view top 100 |
ASSOCIATES DEGREE FEMALE | associates_degree_female | number | Number of females with an associates degree | 0 8 10 6 12 view top 100 |
BACHELORS DEGREE FEMALE | bachelors_degree_female | number | Number of females with a bachelors degree | 0 8 28 34 17 view top 100 |
MASTERS DEGREE FEMALE | masters_degree_female | number | Number of females with a masters degree | 0 7 17 8 10 view top 100 |
PROFESSIONAL DEGREE FEMALE | professional_degree_female | number | Number of females with a professional degree | 0 7 11 6 8 view top 100 |
DOCTORAL DEGREE FEMALE | doctoral_degree_female | number | Number of females with a doctoral degree | 0 8 10 7 14 view top 100 |
PERCENT 25 YR OVER HIGH SCHOOL MORE | pct_25yrover_high_school_more | number | Percent of 25 year or older high school graduates | 32 57 35 47 43 view top 100 |
HOUSING UNITS | housing_units | number | Number of housing units | 359 384 242 318 406 view top 100 |
OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS | occupied_housing_units | number | Number of occupied housing units | 359 617 374 433 380 view top 100 |
OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING | owner_occupied_housing | number | Number of owner occupied housing units | 0 342 262 263 209 view top 100 |
RENTER OCCUPIED HOUSING | renter_occupied_housing | number | Number of renter occupied housing units | 0 45 83 66 20 view top 100 |
PERCENT OWNER OCCUPIED | percent_owner_occupied | number | Percent of owner occupied housing units | 100 58 94 95 87 view top 100 |
PERCENT RENTER OCCUPIED | percent_renter_occupied | number | Percent of renter occupied housing units | 42 6 0 16 13 view top 100 |
MEDIAN HOUSE VALUE OWNER OCCUPIED | median_house_value_owner_occu | number | Median value of owner occupied housing units | 0 87000 96800 45300 37500 view top 100 |
MEDIAN YEAR BUILT | median_year_built | number | Median year housing unit was built | 1975 1983 1976 1978 1971 view top 100 |
VACANCY RATES | vacancy_rates | number | Rate of housing unit vacancy | 0 20 12.5 16.7 9.8000000000000007 view top 100 |