2014 Austin Digital Assessment Individual Responses
datahub.austintexas.gov | Last Updated 2 Aug 2024The 2014 Austin Digital Assessment Project was supported by the Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs Office of the City of Austin, the Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute at the University of Texas, and faculty and graduate students from the Department of Radio, Television, and Film and the University of Texas. This dataset includes the individual survey responses. To see aggregated dataset weighted to reflect Austin demographics, refer to the attached document.
This dataset has the following 337 columns:
Column Name | API Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Values |
Adults in Household | hh | number | 2 1 3 4 5 view top 100 | |
Kids | kids | number | 0 2 1 3 4 view top 100 | |
Home Internet Access | homeint | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
TV | tv | text | Yes No view top 100 | |
Cable | cable | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Satellite | satellite | text | No Yes DK view top 100 | |
Game Console | gamecon | text | No Yes DK view top 100 | |
Desktop | desktop | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Laptop | laptop | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Homephone | homeph | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Cellphone | cellphone | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Tablet | tablet | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Internet-connected Game Console | gameint | text | Yes No DK 5 view top 100 | |
Smartphone | smartph | text | Yes No DK view top 100 | |
Use the Internet | internet | text | Do you use the Internet at all on any device at any location? (ex. surf the web, chat, email)? | Yes No view top 100 |
Years Using the Internet | yrsint | number | 20 15 10 18 16 view top 100 | |
teachpar | teachpar | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachsib | teachsib | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachspouse | teachspouse | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachchild | teachchild | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachrel | teachrel | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachcourse | teachcourse | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachfriend | teachfriend | text | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | A friend view top 100 |
teachteacher | teachteacher | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachlibrarian | teachlibrarian | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
teachco | teachco | text | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | A coworker view top 100 |
myself | myself | text | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | Just myself, no one else view top 100 |
teachother | teachother | number | view top 100 | |
teachtext | teachtext | number | Other than yourself, who taught you to use the Internet? | view top 100 |
helpInt | helpint | text | To what extent do you rely on a family member or friend in order to look things up on the Internet? | Dont rely on anyone Rely rarely on someone else Rely somewhat on someone else Rely a great deal on someone else view top 100 |
upgrade | upgrade | text | Do you plan to upgrade to Ultra-high speed Internet service (such as that promised by AT&T, Google, Grande, Time Warner) when it becomes available? This service is as much as 100 times faster than cable broadband. | Depends on price Will upgrade when available No, will keep current service Will upgrade but not immediately Dont know view top 100 |
awareTW | awaretw | text | How aware are you of the following ultra-high speed services (1 = not aware, 5 = very aware) - Time Warner Cable | 5=Strongly Aware 1=Not Aware 3 4 2 view top 100 |
awareGrande | awaregrande | text | How aware are you of the following ultra-high speed services (1 = not aware, 5 = very aware) - Grande Communications | 1=Not Aware 5=Strongly Aware 2 3 view top 100 |
awareATT | awareatt | text | How aware are you of the following ultra-high speed services (1 = not aware, 5 = very aware) - AT&T Uverse | 5=Strongly Aware 4 1=Not Aware 3 2 view top 100 |
awareGoogle | awaregoogle | text | How aware are you of the following ultra-high speed services (1 = not aware, 5 = very aware) - Google Fiber | 5=Strongly Aware 1=Not Aware 4 3 2 view top 100 |
Q3M_1 Capable of uploading content to website | q3m_1_capable_of_uploading_content_to_website | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_2 Capable of blocking spam | q3m_2_capable_of_blocking_spam | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_3 Capable of adjusting privacy settings | q3m_3_capable_of_adjusting_privacy_settings | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_4 Capable of bookmarking or adding favorites | q3m_4_capable_of_bookmarking_or_adding_favorites | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_5 Capable of comparing sites to check accuracy of information | q3m_5_capable_of_comparing_sites_to_check_accuracy_of_information | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_6 Capable of creating and managing a social networking profile | q3m_6_capable_of_creating_and_managing_a_social_networking_profile | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_7 Capable of creating and managing a personal website | q3m_7_capable_of_creating_and_managing_a_personal_website | text | Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree view top 100 | |
Q3M_8 Capable of recognizing a phishing request | q3m_8_capable_of_recognizing_a_phishing_request | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3M_9 Capable of making my own content | q3m_9_capable_of_making_my_own_content | text | Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree view top 100 | |
Q3N_1 Access the Internet at home | q3n_1_access_the_internet_at_home | text | Multiple times per day Daily Weekly Never view top 100 | |
Q3N_2 Access the Internet at work | q3n_2_access_the_internet_at_work | text | Multiple times per day Never Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q3N_3 Access the Internet at school/university | q3n_3_access_the_internet_at_school_university | text | Never Multiple times per day Less Often Daily view top 100 | |
Q3N_4 Access the Internet at Austin Public Library | q3n_4_access_the_internet_at_austin_public_library | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q3N_5 Access the Internet at coffee shop or private business | q3n_5_access_the_internet_at_coffee_shop_or_private_business | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q3N_6 Access the Internet at friend/family member home | q3n_6_access_the_internet_at_friend_family_member_home | text | Less Often Never Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q3N_7 Access the Internet at community center or public place | q3n_7_access_the_internet_at_community_center_or_public_place | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q3N_8 Access the Internet at COA Free Public WiFi | q3n_8_access_the_internet_at_coa_free_public_wifi | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4A_1 Access the Internet on smartphone | q4a_1_access_the_internet_on_smartphone | text | Multiple times per day Never Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4A_2 Access the Internet on tablet | q4a_2_access_the_internet_on_tablet | text | Never Multiple times per day Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4A_3 Access the Internet on personal computer | q4a_3_access_the_internet_on_personal_computer | text | Multiple times per day Daily Weekly Never view top 100 | |
Q4A_4 Access the Internet on computer at city library/lab | q4a_4_access_the_internet_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4A_5 Access the Internet on a game console | q4a_5_access_the_internet_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Weekly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4B_1 Read email on smartphone | q4b_1_read_email_on_smartphone | text | Multiple times per day Never Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4B_2 Read email on tablet | q4b_2_read_email_on_tablet | text | Never Multiple times per day Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4B_3 Read email on personal computer | q4b_3_read_email_on_personal_computer | text | Multiple times per day Daily Weekly Less Often view top 100 | |
Q4B_4 Read email on computer at city library/lab | q4b_4_read_email_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4B_5 Read email on a game console | q4b_5_read_email_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Monthly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4C_1 Play online games on smartphone | q4c_1_play_online_games_on_smartphone | text | Never Multiple times per day Weekly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4C_2 Play online games on tablet | q4c_2_play_online_games_on_tablet | text | Never Daily Less Often Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4C_3 Play online games on personal computer | q4c_3_play_online_games_on_personal_computer | text | Never Less Often Weekly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4C_4 Play online games on computer at city library/lab | q4c_4_play_online_games_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4C_5 Play online games on a game console | q4c_5_play_online_games_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4D_1 Buy a product online on smartphone | q4d_1_buy_a_product_online_on_smartphone | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4D_2 Buy a product online on tablet | q4d_2_buy_a_product_online_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4D_3 Buy a product online on personal computer | q4d_3_buy_a_product_online_on_personal_computer | text | Monthly Weekly Less Often Never view top 100 | |
Q4D_4 Buy a product online on computer at city library/lab | q4d_4_buy_a_product_online_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4D_5 Buy a product online on a game console | q4d_5_buy_a_product_online_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Monthly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4E_1 Pay bills or online banking on smartphone | q4e_1_pay_bills_or_online_banking_on_smartphone | text | Never Weekly Less Often Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4E_2 Pay bills or online banking on tablet | q4e_2_pay_bills_or_online_banking_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4E_3 Pay bills or online banking on personal computer | q4e_3_pay_bills_or_online_banking_on_personal_computer | text | Weekly Monthly Never Daily view top 100 | |
Q4E_4 Pay bills or online banking on computer at city library/lab | q4e_4_pay_bills_or_online_banking_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4E_5 Pay bills or online banking on a game console | q4e_5_pay_bills_or_online_banking_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Monthly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4F_1 Create/post original media on smartphone | q4f_1_create_post_original_media_on_smartphone | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4F_2 Create/post original media on tablet | q4f_2_create_post_original_media_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4F_3 Create/post original media on personal computer | q4f_3_create_post_original_media_on_personal_computer | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4F_4 Create/post original media on computer at city library/lab | q4f_4_create_post_original_media_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4F_5 Create/post original media on a game console | q4f_5_create_post_original_media_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Monthly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4G_1 Listen to music/radio on smartphone | q4g_1_listen_to_music_radio_on_smartphone | text | Never Weekly Daily Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4G_2 Listen to music/radio on tablet | q4g_2_listen_to_music_radio_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4G_3 Listen to music/radio on personal computer | q4g_3_listen_to_music_radio_on_personal_computer | text | Never Weekly Less Often Daily Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4G_4 Listen to music/radio on computer at city library/lab | q4g_4_listen_to_music_radio_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Multiple times per day Daily view top 100 | |
Q4G_5 Listen to music/radio on a game console | q4g_5_listen_to_music_radio_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4H_1 Participate in discussion forum on smartphone | q4h_1_participate_in_discussion_forum_on_smartphone | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4H_2 Participate in discussion forum on tablet | q4h_2_participate_in_discussion_forum_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4H_3 Participate in discussion forum on personal computer | q4h_3_participate_in_discussion_forum_on_personal_computer | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4H_4 Participate in discussion forum on computer at city library/lab | q4h_4_participate_in_discussion_forum_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Daily Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4H_5 Participate in discussion forum on a game console | q4h_5_participate_in_discussion_forum_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4I_1 Use social network on smartphone | q4i_1_use_social_network_on_smartphone | text | Never Multiple times per day Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4I_2 Use social network on tablet | q4i_2_use_social_network_on_tablet | text | Never Multiple times per day Daily Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4I_3 Use social network on personal computer | q4i_3_use_social_network_on_personal_computer | text | Never Multiple times per day Daily Weekly Less Often view top 100 | |
Q4I_4 Use social network on computer at city library/lab | q4i_4_use_social_network_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4I_5 Use social network on a game console | q4i_5_use_social_network_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Daily Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4J_1 Read e-books/online magazine/newspaper on smartphone | q4j_1_read_e_books_online_magazine_newspaper_on_smartphone | text | Never Daily Less Often Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4J_2 Read e-books/online magazine/newspaper on tablet | q4j_2_read_e_books_online_magazine_newspaper_on_tablet | text | Never Daily Weekly Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4J_3 Read e-books/online magazine/newspaper on personal computer | q4j_3_read_e_books_online_magazine_newspaper_on_personal_computer | text | Never Daily Weekly Less Often Multiple times per day view top 100 | |
Q4J_4 Read e-books/online magazine/newspaper on computer at city library/lab | q4j_4_read_e_books_online_magazine_newspaper_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Daily Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4J_5 Read e-books/online magazine/newspaper on a game console | q4j_5_read_e_books_online_magazine_newspaper_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often 1304 Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4K_1 Comment on TV content on smartphone | q4k_1_comment_on_tv_content_on_smartphone | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4K_2 Comment on TV content on tablet | q4k_2_comment_on_tv_content_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4K_3 Comment on TV content on personal computer | q4k_3_comment_on_tv_content_on_personal_computer | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q4K_4 Comment on TV content on computer at city library/lab | q4k_4_comment_on_tv_content_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Weekly 1369 view top 100 | |
Q4K_5 Comment on TV content on a game console | q4k_5_comment_on_tv_content_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Daily 1311 view top 100 | |
Q4L_1 Pay utilities/ check city info on smartphone | q4l_1_pay_utilities_check_city_info_on_smartphone | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4L_2 Pay utilities/ check city info on tablet | q4l_2_pay_utilities_check_city_info_on_tablet | text | Never Less Often Monthly Weekly view top 100 | |
Q4L_3 Pay utilities/ check city info on personal computer | q4l_3_pay_utilities_check_city_info_on_personal_computer | text | Monthly Never Weekly Less Often view top 100 | |
Q4L_4 Pay utilities/ check city info on computer at city library/lab | q4l_4_pay_utilities_check_city_info_on_computer_at_city_library_lab | text | Never Less Often Monthly Daily view top 100 | |
Q4L_5 Pay utilities/ check city info on a game console | q4l_5_pay_utilities_check_city_info_on_a_game_console | text | Never Less Often Multiple times per day 1301 view top 100 | |
Q3B | q3b | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_1 Too expensive | q3c_1_too_expensive | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_2 Safety/privacy concerns | q3c_2_safety_privacy_concerns | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_3 Not enough time | q3c_3_not_enough_time | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_4 Not interested | q3c_4_not_interested | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_5 Someone uses Internet for me | q3c_5_someone_uses_internet_for_me | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_6 No one to teach me | q3c_6_no_one_to_teach_me | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_7 do not speak English | q3c_7_do_not_speak_english | number | view top 100 | |
Q3C_8 Too difficult | q3c_8_too_difficult | number | view top 100 | |
Q3D Interested in free training | q3d_interested_in_free_training | number | view top 100 | |
Q3E_1 Want training on social media | q3e_1_want_training_on_social_media | number | view top 100 | |
Q3E_2 Want training on email | q3e_2_want_training_on_email | number | view top 100 | |
Q3E_3 Want training on job searching/online applications | q3e_3_want_training_on_job_searching_online_applications | number | view top 100 | |
Q3E_4 Want training on software | q3e_4_want_training_on_software | number | view top 100 | |
Q3E_5 Want training on creating content | q3e_5_want_training_on_creating_content | number | view top 100 | |
Q3F Subscribe for home broadband at affordable price | q3f_subscribe_for_home_broadband_at_affordable_price | number | view top 100 | |
Q3G Too expensive for monthly Internet | q3g_too_expensive_for_monthly_internet | number | view top 100 | |
Q5A_1 View entertainment on cable or satellite TV | q5a_1_view_entertainment_on_cable_or_satellite_tv | text | Multiple times per day Daily Never Weekly view top 100 | |
Q5A_2 View entertainment on a device to stream media | q5a_2_view_entertainment_on_a_device_to_stream_media | text | Never Daily Weekly Multiple times per day Less Often view top 100 | |
Q5A_3 View entertainment on DVD player | q5a_3_view_entertainment_on_dvd_player | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly Daily view top 100 | |
Q5A_4 View entertainment on Hulu | q5a_4_view_entertainment_on_hulu | text | Never Less Often Weekly Monthly view top 100 | |
Q5A_5 View entertainment on Netflix | q5a_5_view_entertainment_on_netflix | text | Never Weekly Daily Monthly Less Often view top 100 | |
Q5A_6 View entertainment on Amazon Prime | q5a_6_view_entertainment_on_amazon_prime | text | Never Weekly Less Often Monthly Daily view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_1 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_1_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | Friends & Family view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_2 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_2_get_information_about_neighborhood | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_3 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_3_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | Online Site view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_4 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_4_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | Facebook view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_5 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_5_get_information_about_neighborhood | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_6 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_6_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | TV view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_7 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_7_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | Newspapers view top 100 | |
Q5B_1_8 Get information about Neighborhood | q5b_1_8_get_information_about_neighborhood | text | Radio view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_1 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_1_get_information_about_austin | text | Friends & Family view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_2 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_2_get_information_about_austin | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_3 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_3_get_information_about_austin | text | Online Site view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_4 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_4_get_information_about_austin | text | Facebook view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_5 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_5_get_information_about_austin | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_6 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_6_get_information_about_austin | text | TV view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_7 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_7_get_information_about_austin | text | Newspapers view top 100 | |
Q5B_2_8 Get information about Austin | q5b_2_8_get_information_about_austin | text | Radio view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_1 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_1_get_information_about_texas | text | Friends & Family view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_2 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_2_get_information_about_texas | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_3 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_3_get_information_about_texas | text | Online Site view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_4 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_4_get_information_about_texas | text | Facebook view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_5 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_5_get_information_about_texas | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_6 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_6_get_information_about_texas | text | TV view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_7 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_7_get_information_about_texas | text | Newspapers view top 100 | |
Q5B_3_8 Get information about Texas | q5b_3_8_get_information_about_texas | text | Radio view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_1 Get information about USA | q5b_4_1_get_information_about_usa | text | Friends & Family view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_2 Get information about USA | q5b_4_2_get_information_about_usa | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_3 Get information about USA | q5b_4_3_get_information_about_usa | text | Online Site view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_4 Get information about USA | q5b_4_4_get_information_about_usa | text | Facebook view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_5 Get information about USA | q5b_4_5_get_information_about_usa | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_6 Get information about USA | q5b_4_6_get_information_about_usa | text | TV view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_7 Get information about USA | q5b_4_7_get_information_about_usa | text | Newspapers view top 100 | |
Q5B_4_8 Get information about USA | q5b_4_8_get_information_about_usa | text | Radio view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_1 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_1_get_information_about_other_countries | text | Friends & Family view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_2 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_2_get_information_about_other_countries | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_3 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_3_get_information_about_other_countries | text | Online Site view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_4 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_4_get_information_about_other_countries | text | Facebook view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_5 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_5_get_information_about_other_countries | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_6 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_6_get_information_about_other_countries | text | TV view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_7 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_7_get_information_about_other_countries | text | Newspapers view top 100 | |
Q5B_5_8 Get information about Other countries | q5b_5_8_get_information_about_other_countries | text | Radio view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_1 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_1_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_2 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_2_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_3 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_3_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_4 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_4_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_5 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_5_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_6 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_6_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_7 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_7_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5B_6_8 Get information about Home country | q5b_6_8_get_information_about_home_country | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_1 Health-related information | q5c_1_health_related_information | text | Family Members view top 100 | |
Q5C_12 Health-related information | q5c_12_health_related_information | text | Radio offline view top 100 | |
Q5C_13 Health-related information | q5c_13_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_2 Health-related information | q5c_2_health_related_information | text | Close Friends view top 100 | |
Q5C_3 Health-related information | q5c_3_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_4 Health-related information | q5c_4_health_related_information | text | Doctors/Nurses view top 100 | |
Q5C_10 Health-related information | q5c_10_health_related_information | text | Online communities view top 100 | |
Q5C_7 Health-related information | q5c_7_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_5 Health-related information | q5c_5_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_6 Health-related information | q5c_6_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_8 Health-related information | q5c_8_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_9 Health-related information | q5c_9_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_11 Health-related information | q5c_11_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5C_11_TEXT Health-related information | q5c_11_text_health_related_information | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_1_1 Education Info - Family Members or relatives | q5d_1_1_education_info_family_members_or_relatives | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_1_2 Education Info - Family Members or relatives | q5d_1_2_education_info_family_members_or_relatives | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_2_1 Education Info - Close friends | q5d_2_1_education_info_close_friends | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_2_2 Education Info - Close friends | q5d_2_2_education_info_close_friends | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_3_1 Education Info - Acquaintances | q5d_3_1_education_info_acquaintances | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_3_2 Education Info - Acquaintances | q5d_3_2_education_info_acquaintances | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_4_1 Education Info - Teachers or educational professionals | q5d_4_1_education_info_teachers_or_educational_professionals | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_4_2 Education Info - Teachers or educational professionals | q5d_4_2_education_info_teachers_or_educational_professionals | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_5_1 Education Info - Community or neighborhood organizations | q5d_5_1_education_info_community_or_neighborhood_organizations | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_5_2 Education Info - Community or neighborhood organizations | q5d_5_2_education_info_community_or_neighborhood_organizations | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_6_1 Education Info - Printed newspapers, magazines, or journals | q5d_6_1_education_info_printed_newspapers_magazines_or_journals | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_6_2 Education Info - Printed newspapers, magazines, or journals | q5d_6_2_education_info_printed_newspapers_magazines_or_journals | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_7_1 Education Info - Email listservs | q5d_7_1_education_info_email_listservs | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_7_2 Education Info - Email listservs | q5d_7_2_education_info_email_listservs | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_8_1 Education Info - Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest | q5d_8_1_education_info_social_networking_sites_such_as_facebook_twitter_and_pinterest | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_8_2 Education Info - Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest | q5d_8_2_education_info_social_networking_sites_such_as_facebook_twitter_and_pinterest | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_9_1 Education Info - Online communities or groups | q5d_9_1_education_info_online_communities_or_groups | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_9_2 Education Info - Online communities or groups | q5d_9_2_education_info_online_communities_or_groups | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_9_TEXT Education Info | q5d_9_text_education_info | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_10_1 Education Info - Mobile apps | q5d_10_1_education_info_mobile_apps | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_10_2 Education Info - Mobile apps | q5d_10_2_education_info_mobile_apps | number | view top 100 | |
Q5D_11_1 Education info - Other | q5d_11_1_education_info_other | text | Yourself view top 100 | |
Q5D_11_2 Education Info - Other | q5d_11_2_education_info_other | number | view top 100 | |
Q5E_1 Importance of providing free computer/Internet at libraries | q5e_1_importance_of_providing_free_computer_internet_at_libraries | text | 5 - Most 4 3 1 - Least Not aware of service view top 100 | |
Q5E_2 Importance of providing free public wifi downtown | q5e_2_importance_of_providing_free_public_wifi_downtown | text | 5 - Most 4 3 Not aware of service 1 - Least view top 100 | |
Q5E_3 Importance of providing computer training | q5e_3_importance_of_providing_computer_training | text | 5 - Most 4 3 Not aware of service 1 - Least view top 100 | |
Q5E_4 Importance of free wifi on Capital Metro Rapid buses | q5e_4_importance_of_free_wifi_on_capital_metro_rapid_buses | text | 5 - Most 4 3 1 - Least Not aware of service view top 100 | |
Q5F_1 High speed internet improves Home Entertainment | q5f_1_high_speed_internet_improves_home_entertainment | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q5F_2 High speed internet improves Starting Businesses | q5f_2_high_speed_internet_improves_starting_businesses | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q5F_3 High speed internet improves Innovation | q5f_3_high_speed_internet_improves_innovation | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q5F_4 High speed internet improves Working from home | q5f_4_high_speed_internet_improves_working_from_home | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q5F_5 High speed internet improves Online learning/education | q5f_5_high_speed_internet_improves_online_learning_education | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q5F_6 High speed internet improves Internet pricing options | q5f_6_high_speed_internet_improves_internet_pricing_options | text | A Lot Some Only a little Not at all view top 100 | |
Q8A_1 Know a nurse | q8a_1_know_a_nurse | text | Nurse view top 100 | |
Q8A_2 Know a farmer | q8a_2_know_a_farmer | text | Farmer view top 100 | |
Q8A_3 Know a lawyer | q8a_3_know_a_lawyer | text | Lawyer view top 100 | |
Q8A_4 Know a middle school teacher | q8a_4_know_a_middle_school_teacher | text | Middle school teacher view top 100 | |
Q8A_5 full-time babysitter | q8a_5_full_time_babysitter | number | view top 100 | |
Q8A_6 Know a janitor | q8a_6_know_a_janitor | number | view top 100 | |
Q8A_7 Know a personnel manager | q8a_7_know_a_personnel_manager | text | Personnel manager view top 100 | |
Q8A_8 Know a hair dresser | q8a_8_know_a_hair_dresser | text | Hair dresser view top 100 | |
Q8A_9 Know a bookkeeper | q8a_9_know_a_bookkeeper | text | Bookkeeper view top 100 | |
Q8A_10 Know a production manager | q8a_10_know_a_production_manager | text | Production manager view top 100 | |
Q8A_11 Know an operator in a factory | q8a_11_know_an_operator_in_a_factory | number | view top 100 | |
Q8A_12 Know a computer programmer | q8a_12_know_a_computer_programmer | text | Computer programmer view top 100 | |
Q8A_13 Know a taxi driver | q8a_13_know_a_taxi_driver | number | view top 100 | |
Q8A_14 Know a professor | q8a_14_know_a_professor | text | Professor view top 100 | |
Q8A_15 Know a policeman | q8a_15_know_a_policeman | text | Policeman view top 100 | |
Q8A_16 Know a CEO of large company | q8a_16_know_a_ceo_of_large_company | text | CEO view top 100 | |
Q8B_1 Employment status | q8b_1_employment_status | text | Employed full time view top 100 | |
Q8B_2 Employment status | q8b_2_employment_status | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_3 Employment status | q8b_3_employment_status | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_4 Employment status | q8b_4_employment_status | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_5 Employment status | q8b_5_employment_status | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_6 | q8b_6 | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_7 | q8b_7 | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_8 | q8b_8 | text | Retired view top 100 | |
Q8B_9 | q8b_9 | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_9_TEXT | q8b_9_text | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B_10 | q8b_10 | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_1 Type of work | q8c_1_type_of_work | text | Professional view top 100 | |
Q8C_2 Type of work | q8c_2_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_3 Type of work | q8c_3_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_4 Type of work | q8c_4_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_5 Type of work | q8c_5_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_6 Type of work | q8c_6_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_7 Type of work | q8c_7_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C_8 Type of work | q8c_8_type_of_work | number | view top 100 | |
Q8D | q8d | number | 2012 2013 2014 2011 2010 view top 100 | |
Q8E_1 Info about job | q8e_1_info_about_job | text | Personal contacts view top 100 | |
Q8E_2 Info about job | q8e_2_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_3 Info about job | q8e_3_info_about_job | text | Current employers or colleagues view top 100 | |
Q8E_4 Info about job | q8e_4_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_5 Info about job | q8e_5_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_8 Info about job | q8e_8_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_7 Info about job | q8e_7_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_6 Info about job | q8e_6_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_9 Info about job | q8e_9_info_about_job | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_9_TEXT | q8e_9_text | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_1 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_1_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_2 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_2_current_job_from_personal_contacts | text | Close friends view top 100 | |
Q8F_3 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_3_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_4 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_4_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_5 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_5_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_6 Current job from personal contacts | q8f_6_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_6_TEXT Current job from personal contacts | q8f_6_text_current_job_from_personal_contacts | number | view top 100 | |
Q8G How often do you work from home | q8g_how_often_do_you_work_from_home | text | Never Less often Everyday A few times a week view top 100 | |
Q8H Remote access | q8h_remote_access | text | Yes No view top 100 | |
Q8I Self-employed/Small business owner | q8i_self_employed_small_business_owner | text | No Yes view top 100 | |
Q8A High-tech sector | q8a_high_tech_sector | number | view top 100 | |
Q8B Cultural Industry sector | q8b_cultural_industry_sector | number | view top 100 | |
Q8C Years in operation | q8c_years_in_operation | number | 1 2 3 5 10 view top 100 | |
Q8D_A Number of employees | q8d_a_number_of_employees | number | 1 0 2 3 5 view top 100 | |
Q8E_1_A Business has A website | q8e_1_a_business_has_a_website | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_2_A Business has A blog | q8e_2_a_business_has_a_blog | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_3_A Business has Facebook presence | q8e_3_a_business_has_facebook_presence | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_4_A Business has Twitter presence | q8e_4_a_business_has_twitter_presence | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_5_A Business has A mobile app | q8e_5_a_business_has_a_mobile_app | number | view top 100 | |
Q8E_6_A Business has Presence on other social media platforms | q8e_6_a_business_has_presence_on_other_social_media_platforms | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_1_A Business uses social media for Advertising, marketing and promotion | q8f_1_a_business_uses_social_media_for_advertising_marketing_and_promotion | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_2_A Business uses social media for Building professional networks | q8f_2_a_business_uses_social_media_for_building_professional_networks | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_3_A Business uses social media for Crowdfunding | q8f_3_a_business_uses_social_media_for_crowdfunding | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_4_A Business uses social media for Crowdsourcing | q8f_4_a_business_uses_social_media_for_crowdsourcing | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_5_A Business uses social media for Tracking and analyzing social media | q8f_5_a_business_uses_social_media_for_tracking_and_analyzing_social_media | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_6_A Business uses social media for Using social media management tools (eg Hootsuite) | q8f_6_a_business_uses_social_media_for_using_social_media_management_tools_eg_hootsuite | number | view top 100 | |
Q8F_7 Business uses social media for Recruiting Employees | q8f_7_business_uses_social_media_for_recruiting_employees | number | 6 view top 100 | |
Sex | sex | text | Female Male view top 100 | |
Hispanic | hispanic | text | No Yes view top 100 | |
White | white | text | White view top 100 | |
Black or African American | black_or_african_american | number | view top 100 | |
Asian or Pacific Island | asian_or_pacific_island | number | view top 100 | |
American Indian, Eskimo, or Alaska Native | american_indian_eskimo_or_alaska_native | number | view top 100 | |
Other | other | number | view top 100 | |
Other_TEXT | other_text | number | view top 100 | |
Disabled | disabled | text | No Yes view top 100 | |
Fluent English | fluent_english | text | Completely Fairly Somewhat Not Very view top 100 | |
Fluent Spanish | fluent_spanish | text | Not Very Not At All Somewhat Completely Fairly view top 100 | |
BirthYr | birthyr | number | 1952 1946 1970 1949 1950 view top 100 | |
Years in Austin | years_in_austin | number | 20 15 30 14 40 view top 100 | |
Relationship status | relationship_status | text | Married Single Living with a partner Other view top 100 | |
Relationship Other | relationship_other | number | view top 100 | |
Education (self) | education_self | text | 4year undergraduate degree Graduate/Professional degree Some college, Tech/High School year High School Less than High School view top 100 | |
Education (mother) | education_mother | text | High School 4year undergraduate degree Some college, Tech/High School year Less than High School Graduate/Professional degree view top 100 | |
Education (father) | education_father | text | High School 4year undergraduate degree Graduate/Professional degree Less than High School Some college, Tech/High School year view top 100 | |
Income | income | text | $75,000 or above $50,000 to $$75,000 or above4,999 Prefer not to answer $40,000 to $49,000 $30,000-$39,000 view top 100 | |
Born in the US (Self) | born_in_the_us_self | text | Born in US view top 100 | |
Born outside US (self) | born_outside_us_self | number | view top 100 | |
Born Unsure (Self) | born_unsure_self | number | view top 100 | |
Born in the US (Mother) | born_in_the_us_mother | text | Born in US view top 100 | |
Born outside US (Mother) | born_outside_us_mother | number | view top 100 | |
Born Unsure (Mother) | born_unsure_mother | number | view top 100 | |
Born in the US (Father) | born_in_the_us_father | text | Born in US view top 100 | |
Born outside US (Father) | born_outside_us_father | number | view top 100 | |
Born Unsure (Father) | born_unsure_father | number | view top 100 | |
Born in the US (Grandparents) | born_in_the_us_grandparents | text | Born in US view top 100 | |
Born outside US (Grandparents) | born_outside_us_grandparents | text | Born outside US view top 100 | |
Born Unsure (Grandparents) | born_unsure_grandparents | number | view top 100 | |
Agenew1 | agenew1 | number | 62 68 44 65 64 view top 100 | |
weight6 | weight6 | number | 0.201942863 0.122218359 0.223713415 0.46833791 0.244058094 view top 100 | |
Location 1 | location_1 | location | view top 100 |