The population rate of change of Orleans County, NY was -0.98% in 2018.
Population Change
Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API -
Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Orleans County, NY
New York State Population Data: Beginning 2003 | Last Updated 2024-03-07T16:13:08.000ZPopulation data file is provided as an additional reference file when interpreting vital statistics death rates. The population data is derived from the corresponding release of the NCHS annual estimates of "Bridged Race Vintage" which are consistent with the Bureau of the Census estimates from "Vintage" (released in the summer). For more information, check out: The "About" tab contains additional details concerning this dataset.
Medicaid Inpatient Prevention Quality Indicators (PQI) for Adult Discharges by Patient County: Beginning 2011 | Last Updated 2016-12-05T21:58:39.000ZThe datasets contain number of Medicaid PQI hospitalizations (numerator), county Medicaid population (denominator), observed rate, expected number of hospitalizations and rate, and risk-adjusted rate for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Prevention Quality Indicators – Adult (AHRQ PQI) for Medicaid enrollees beginning in 2011.
NYCHA Resident Data Book Summary | Last Updated 2020-02-08T00:56:30.000ZContains resident demographic data at a summary level as of January 1, 2019. The Resident Data Book is compiled to serve as an information source for queries involving resident demographic as well as a source of data for internal analysis. Statistics are compiled via HUD mandated annual income reviews involving NYCHA Staff and residents. Data is then aggregated and compiled by development. Each record pertains to a single public housing development.
Medicaid Potentially Preventable Emergency Visit (PPV) Rates by Patient County: Beginning 2011 | Last Updated 2016-12-16T15:57:37.000ZThe dataset contains Potentially Preventable Visit (PPV) observed, expected, and risk-adjusted rates for Medicaid beneficiaries by patient county beginning in 2011. The Potentially Preventable Visits (PPV) obtained from software created by 3M Health Information Systems are emergency visits that may result from a lack of adequate access to care or ambulatory care coordination. These ambulatory sensitive conditions could be reduced or eliminated with adequate patient monitoring and follow up.
NYSERDA Low- to Moderate-Income New York State Census Population Analysis Dataset: Average for 2013-2015 | Last Updated 2019-11-15T22:30:02.000ZHow does your organization use this dataset? What other NYSERDA or energy-related datasets would you like to see on Open NY? Let us know by emailing The Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) New York State (NYS) Census Population Analysis dataset is resultant from the LMI market database designed by APPRISE as part of the NYSERDA LMI Market Characterization Study ( All data are derived from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files for 2013, 2014, and 2015. Each row in the LMI dataset is an individual record for a household that responded to the survey and each column is a variable of interest for analyzing the low- to moderate-income population. The LMI dataset includes: county/county group, households with elderly, households with children, economic development region, income groups, percent of poverty level, low- to moderate-income groups, household type, non-elderly disabled indicator, race/ethnicity, linguistic isolation, housing unit type, owner-renter status, main heating fuel type, home energy payment method, housing vintage, LMI study region, LMI population segment, mortgage indicator, time in home, head of household education level, head of household age, and household weight. The LMI NYS Census Population Analysis dataset is intended for users who want to explore the underlying data that supports the LMI Analysis Tool. The majority of those interested in LMI statistics and generating custom charts should use the interactive LMI Analysis Tool at This underlying LMI dataset is intended for users with experience working with survey data files and producing weighted survey estimates using statistical software packages (such as SAS, SPSS, or Stata).
Vital Statistics Deaths by Resident County, Region, and Race/Ethnicity: Beginning 2003 | Last Updated 2024-03-07T15:52:48.000ZThis dataset contains death counts by resident county and race/ethnicity. For more information check out:
Releasees Under Community Supervision: Beginning 2008 | Last Updated 2024-06-20T15:13:35.000ZProvides data about releasees under community supervision on March 31 of the snapshot year. Information includes region of supervision, county of residence, snapshot year, supervision level, gender, age, and race/ethnicity as of the file date, and crime type for most serious instant offense.
Vital Statistics Suicide Deaths by Age-Group, Race/Ethnicity, Resident Region, and Gender: Beginning 2003 | Last Updated 2024-03-07T15:57:14.000ZThis dataset contains suicide death counts by region, race or ethnicity, sex, and age group. For more information, check out:
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Claims by Credit Type and Size of Earned Income: Beginning Tax Year 1994 | Last Updated 2024-02-08T14:28:09.000ZThe Department of Taxation and Finance (the Department) annually publishes statistical information on the New York State earned income tax credit (EITC). This includes data on the separate New York City EITC and the New York State noncustodial parent EITC. Summary data are presented for all taxpayers which includes full-year New York state residents, part-year residents and nonresidents (where applicable). Data are shown for the total number of claimants and credit claimed by county and/or region for all filing statuses.
Hospital Inpatient Prevention Quality Indicators (PDI) for Pediatric Discharges by Patient County (SPARCS): Beginning 2009 | Last Updated 2024-06-18T19:28:58.000ZThe dataset contains observed, expected, and risk-adjusted rates for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Pediatric Quality Indicators – Pediatric (AHRQ PDI) beginning in 2009. The AHRQ PDIs are a set of population based measures that can be used with hospital inpatient discharge data to identify ambulatory care sensitive conditions. These are conditions where 1) the need for hospitalization is potentially preventable with appropriate outpatient care, or 2) conditions that could be less severe if treated early and appropriately. Both the Urinary Tract Infection and Gastroenteritis PDIs include admissions for patients aged 3 months through 17 years. The asthma PDI includes admissions for patients aged 2 through 17 years. Eligible admissions for the Diabetes Short-term Complications PDI includes admissions for patients aged 6 through 17 years. The rates were calculated using Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) inpatient data and Claritas population information. The observed, expected, risk-adjusted rates, and difference in rates, for each AHRQ PDI are presented by resident county (including a statewide total).