The population count of Fairfax County, VA was 1,143,529 in 2018.
Population Change
Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API -
Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Fairfax County, VA
Veteran Population Projection Model 2016 (VetPop2016) | Last Updated 2019-12-06T19:24:54.000Z2015-2045. Veteran population projections by county for US counties. From "The Veteran Population Projection Model 2016 (VetPop2016) provides the latest official Veteran population projection from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VetPop2016 is a deterministic actuarial projection model developed by the office of Predictive Analytics and Actuary (PAA) to estimate and project the Veteran Population from Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 to FY2045. Using the best available Veteran data at the end of FY2015 as the base population. VetPop2016 projects living and deceased Veteran counts by key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, period of service, and race/ethnicity at various geographic levels for the next 30 years." ***NOTE: Current upload to data.mi excludes location information for Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, and Foreign Countries projections. This is because of a geocoding error between the VetPop2016 and the county location file from the US Census Bureau. Point locations for the above mentioned geographies will be added to this dataset once the error is resolved.
Bronx Zip Population and Density | Last Updated 2012-10-21T14:06:17.000Z2010 Census Data on population, pop density, age and ethnicity per zip code
NYSERDA Low- to Moderate-Income New York State Census Population Analysis Dataset: Average for 2013-2015 | Last Updated 2019-11-15T22:30:02.000ZHow does your organization use this dataset? What other NYSERDA or energy-related datasets would you like to see on Open NY? Let us know by emailing The Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) New York State (NYS) Census Population Analysis dataset is resultant from the LMI market database designed by APPRISE as part of the NYSERDA LMI Market Characterization Study ( All data are derived from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files for 2013, 2014, and 2015. Each row in the LMI dataset is an individual record for a household that responded to the survey and each column is a variable of interest for analyzing the low- to moderate-income population. The LMI dataset includes: county/county group, households with elderly, households with children, economic development region, income groups, percent of poverty level, low- to moderate-income groups, household type, non-elderly disabled indicator, race/ethnicity, linguistic isolation, housing unit type, owner-renter status, main heating fuel type, home energy payment method, housing vintage, LMI study region, LMI population segment, mortgage indicator, time in home, head of household education level, head of household age, and household weight. The LMI NYS Census Population Analysis dataset is intended for users who want to explore the underlying data that supports the LMI Analysis Tool. The majority of those interested in LMI statistics and generating custom charts should use the interactive LMI Analysis Tool at This underlying LMI dataset is intended for users with experience working with survey data files and producing weighted survey estimates using statistical software packages (such as SAS, SPSS, or Stata).
Social Vulnerability Index 2018 - United States, county | Last Updated 2022-02-14T14:19:58.000ZATSDR’s Geospatial Research, Analysis & Services Program (GRASP) created Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Social Vulnerability Index (CDC SVI or simply SVI, hereafter) to help public health officials and emergency response planners identify and map the communities that will most likely need support before, during, and after a hazardous event. SVI indicates the relative vulnerability of every U.S. Census tract. Census tracts are subdivisions of counties for which the Census collects statistical data. SVI ranks the tracts on 15 social factors, including unemployment, minority status, and disability, and further groups them into four related themes. Thus, each tract receives a ranking for each Census variable and for each of the four themes, as well as an overall ranking. In addition to tract-level rankings, SVI 2018 also has corresponding rankings at the county level. Notes below that describe “tract” methods also refer to county methods.
COVID-19 Vaccinations by Town - ARCHIVE | Last Updated 2023-08-02T14:53:12.000ZNOTE: As of 4/15/2021, this dataset will no longer be updated and will be replaced by two new datasets: 1) "COVID-19 Vaccinations by Town" ( and "COVID-19 Vaccinations by Town and Age Group" ( A summary of COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Connecticut by town. Records without an address could not be included in town vaccine coverage estimates. Total population estimates are based on 2019 data. A person who has received one dose of any vaccine is considered to have received at least one dose. A person is considered fully vaccinated if they have received 2 doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 1 dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The fully vaccinated are a subset of the number who have received at least one dose. The number with At Least One Dose and the number Fully Vaccinated add up to more than the total number of doses because people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine fit into both categories. SVI refers to the CDC's Social Vulnerability Index - a measure that combines 15 demographic variables to identify communities most vulnerable to negative health impacts from disasters and public health crises. Measures of social vulnerability include socioeconomic status, household composition, disability, race, ethnicity, language, and transportation limitations - among others. Towns with a "yes" in the "Has SVI tract >0.75" field are those that have at least one census tract that is in the top quartile of vulnerability (e.g., a high-need area). 34 towns in Connecticut have at least one census tract in the top quartile for vulnerability. All data in this report are preliminary; data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.
Demographics For Unincorporated Areas In San Mateo County | Last Updated 2018-10-25T21:45:46.000ZDemographics, including median income, total population, race, ethnicity, and age for unincorporated areas in San Mateo County. This data comes from the 2012 American Community Survey 5 year estimates DP03 and DP05 files. They Sky Londa area is located within two Census Tracts. The data for Sky Londa is the sum of both of those Census Tracts. Users of this data should take this into account when using data for Sky Londa.
Labor Force Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split: 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:33:09.000ZThis data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Labor Force by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time leaving home, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Labor Force consist of all persons who live in Cambridge who work or are actively seeking employment. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -
Workforce Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split : 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:39:43.000ZThis data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Workforce by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time arriving at work, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Workforce consist of all persons who work in Cambridge, regardless of home location. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -
Rate of Hospitalizations for Opioid Overdose per 100,000 Residents by Demographics CY 2016- 2017 Statewide Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) | Last Updated 2022-10-17T20:22:39.000ZRate of hospitalization for opioid overdose per 100,000 PA Residents categorized by principal diagnosis of heroin or opioid pain medication overdose by year and demographic. This analysis is restricted to Pennsylvania residents age 15 and older who were hospitalized in Pennsylvania general acute care hospitals. Disclaimer: PHC4’s database contains statewide hospital discharge data submitted to PHC4 by Pennsylvania hospitals. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information obtained from the Uniform Claims and Billing Form (UB-82/92/04) data elements. Computer collection edits and validation edits provide opportunity to correct specific errors that may have occurred prior to, during or after submission of data. The ultimate responsibility for data accuracy lies with individual providers. PHC4 agents and staff make no representation, guarantee, or warranty, expressed or implied that the data received from the hospitals are error-free, or that the use of this data will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with those who use published reports or purchased data. PHC4 will bear no responsibility or liability for the results or consequences of its use.
2018 Social Vulnerability Index | Last Updated 2021-12-07T15:23:24.000ZThe 2018 Social Vulnerability Index indicates the relative vulnerability of every U.S. Census tract. Census tracts are subdivisions of counties in which the Census Bureau aggregates statistical data. The SVI ranks the tracts on 15 social factors, including unemployment, minority status, and disability, and further groups them into four related themes. Thus, every tract receives a ranking for each Census variable, each of the four themes, and an overall ranking.