The population count of Benton Harbor, MI was 9,920 in 2018.
Population Change
Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API -
Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Benton Harbor, MI
Educational Attainment of Washington Population by Age, Race/Ethnicity/, and PUMA Region | Last Updated 2019-05-16T19:13:48.000ZThe American Community Survey (ACS) is designed to estimate the characteristic distribution of populations* and estimated counts should only be used to calculate percentages. They do not represent the actual population counts or totals. Beginning in 2019, the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has measured educational attainment for the Roadmap Progress Report using one-year American Community Survey (ACS) data from the United States Census Bureau. These public microdata represents the most current data, but it is limited to areas with larger populations leading to some multi-county regions**. *The American Community Survey is not the official source of population counts. It is designed to show the characteristics of the nation's population and should not be used as actual population counts or housing totals for the nation, states or counties. The official population count — including population by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin — comes from the once-a-decade census, supplemented by annual population estimates (which do not typically contain educational attainment variables) from the following groups and surveys: -- Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM): -- US Census Decennial Census: and Population Estimates Program: **In prior years, WSAC used both the five-year and three-year (now discontinued) data. While the 5-year estimates provide a larger sample, they are not recommended for year to year trends and also are released later than the one-year files. Detailed information about the ACS at
Labor Force Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split: 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:33:09.000ZThis data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Labor Force by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time leaving home, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Labor Force consist of all persons who live in Cambridge who work or are actively seeking employment. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -
Workforce Demographic Characteristics by Commuting Mode Split : 2012 - 2016 | Last Updated 2024-05-06T21:39:43.000ZThis data set provides demographic and journey to work characteristics of the Cambridge Workforce by primary mode of their journey to work. Attributes include age, presence of children, racial and ethnic minority status, vehicles available, time arriving at work, time spent traveling, and annual household income. The data set originates from a special tabulation of the American Community Survey - the 2012 - 2016 version of the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). The Cambridge Workforce consist of all persons who work in Cambridge, regardless of home location. For more information on Journey to Work data in Cambridge, please see the report Moving Forward: 2020 -
2010 Census/ACS Basic Block Group Data | Last Updated 2021-11-12T14:15:42.000Zbasic characteristics of people and housing for individual 2010 census block groups
Patient Characteristics Survey (PCS) 2022: Persons Served by Survey Year, Region of Provider, Gender, Age Group and Race/Ethnicity | Last Updated 2022-09-30T21:48:34.000ZThe data are organized by OMH Region‐specific (Region of Provider), program type, and by the following demographic characteristics of the clients served during the week of the survey: sex (Male, Female, X (Non-binary), and Unknown), Transgender (No, Not Transgender; Yes, Transgender and Unknown), age (below 17 (Child), 18 and above(Adult) and unknown age) and race (White only, Black Only, Multi‐racial, Other and Unknown race) and ethnicity (Non‐Hispanic, Hispanic, Client Did Not Answer and Unknown). Persons with Hispanic ethnicity are grouped as “Hispanic,” regardless of race or races reported.
2010 Census/ACS Detailed Block Group Data | Last Updated 2021-11-12T14:22:17.000Zdetailed characteristics of people and housing for individual 2010 census block groups
2013-2017 American Community Survey Detailed Census Tract Data | Last Updated 2023-03-24T19:40:40.000ZDETAILED CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE AND HOUSING FOR INDIVIDUAL 2010 CENSUS TRACT PORTIONS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE KCMO - Some demographic data are from the 2010 Census while other data are from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS replaces what until 2000 was the Long Form of the census; both have been based on surveys of a partial sample of people. The ACS sample is so small that surveys from five years must be combined to be reliable. The 2013-2017 ACS is the most recent grouping of 5 years of data. ACS data have been proportioned to conform with 2010 Census total population and total households.
2015-2019 American Community Survey Detailed Census Tract Data | Last Updated 2023-03-24T21:11:36.000ZDETAILED CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE AND HOUSING FOR INDIVIDUAL 2010 CENSUS TRACT PORTIONS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE KCMO - Some demographic data are from the 2010 Census while other data are from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS replaces what until 2000 was the Long Form of the census; both have been based on surveys of a partial sample of people. The ACS sample is so small that surveys from five years must be combined to be reliable. The 2015-2019 ACS is the most recent grouping of 5 years of data. ACS data have been proportioned to conform with 2010 Census total population and total households.
2015-2019 American Community Survey Basic Census Tract Data | Last Updated 2023-03-24T21:11:24.000ZBASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE AND HOUSING FOR INDIVIDUAL 2010 CENSUS TRACT PORTIONS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE KCMO - Some demographic data are from the 2010 Census while other data are from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey - ACS. The ACS replaces what until 2000 was the Long Form of the census; both have been based on surveys of a partial sample of people. The ACS sample is so small that surveys from five years must be combined to be reliable. The 2015-2019 ACS is the most recent grouping of 5 years of data. ACS data have been proportioned to conform with 2010 Census total population and total households.
National Immunization Survey Child COVID Module (NIS-CCM): COVIDVaxViews| Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( | Last Updated 2024-01-24T15:15:26.000ZNational Immunization Survey Child COVID Module (NIS-CCM): CDC is providing information on COVID-19 vaccine uptake and confidence. These data represent trends in vaccination status and intent, and other behavioral indicators, by demographics and other characteristics.