- Population
The population count of Huntington Metro Area (WV-KY-OH) was 358,234 in 2018.
Population Change
Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API -
Demographics and Population Datasets Involving Huntington Metro Area (WV-KY-OH)
Community Perceptions Survey 2021
data.cincinnati-oh.gov | Last Updated 2024-04-16T17:28:36.000ZThe Cincinnati Community Perceptions Survey was developed by the City's Office of Performance and Data Analytics and ETC Institute in the fall of 2021. This community engagement tool was designed to allow the City Administration to evaluate resident satisfaction with our services and measure that level of satisfaction against cities of similar size, location, and demographics. The survey design also allows the City to capture community priorities for investment in services over the next two years. The survey was administered during the winter of 2021 by mail to a random sample of households across the city, and was available to complete by mail or online. The goal of 1,200 completed surveys was exceeded, with a total of 1,408 residents completing the survey. The overall residents for the sample of 1,408 households have a precision of at least +/-2.6% at the 95% level of confidence, and are demographically representative of our city's population. This year's survey will set a baseline for Cincinnati to work from with the goal of better understanding where we are excelling in service delivery and where our local government could benefit from intentional improvement and resources. Find the link to the Survey landing page here: https://etcinstitute.com/directionfinder2-0/city-of-cincinnati-ohio/
Community Perceptions Survey 2023
data.cincinnati-oh.gov | Last Updated 2024-04-16T17:55:03.000ZThe Cincinnati Community Perceptions Survey was developed by the City's Office of Performance and Data Analytics and ETC Institute in the fall of 2021. This community engagement tool was designed to allow the City Administration to evaluate resident satisfaction with our services and measure that level of satisfaction against cities of similar size, location, and demographics. The survey design also allows the City to capture community priorities for investment in services over the next two years. The survey was administered during the winter of 2023 by mail to a random sample of households across the city, and was available to complete by mail or online. The goal of 1,200 completed surveys was met, with a total of 1,235 residents completing the survey. The overall residents for the sample of 1,408 households have a precision of at least +/-2.8% at the 95% level of confidence, and are demographically representative of our city's population. This survey provides insight into where we are excelling in service delivery and where our local government could benefit from intentional improvement and resources. Read the full report on survey results here: https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/manager/community-survey/ Find the Community Perceptions Survey Dashboard here: https://insights.cincinnati-oh.gov/stories/s/Community-Perceptions-Survey-Version-2/3nn5-m4kg/ Find the 2021 Community Perceptions Survey Data here: https://data.cincinnati-oh.gov/efficient-service-delivery/Community-Perceptions-Survey-2021/pkyn-d5t4/about_data