- Graduation Rates
The high school graduation rate of 76001 ZIP Code was 89.70% in 2015.
Graduation Rates
Above charts are based on data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey | ODN Dataset | API -
Education and Graduation Rates Datasets Involving 76001 ZIP Code
Chicago Public Schools - Progress Report Cards (2011-2012)
data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 2018-09-14T21:38:54.000ZThis dataset shows all school level performance data used to create CPS School Report Cards for the 2011-2012 school year. Metrics are described as follows (also available for download at http://bit.ly/uhbzah): NDA indicates "No Data Available." SAFETY ICON: Student Perception/Safety category from 5 Essentials survey // SAFETY SCORE: Student Perception/Safety score from 5 Essentials survey // FAMILY INVOLVEMENT ICON: Involved Families category from 5 Essentials survey // FAMILY INVOLVEMENT SCORE: Involved Families score from 5 Essentials survey // ENVIRONMENT ICON: Supportive Environment category from 5 Essentials survey // ENVIRONMENT SCORE: Supportive Environment score from 5 Essentials survey // INSTRUCTION ICON: Ambitious Instruction category from 5 Essentials survey // INSTRUCTION SCORE: Ambitious Instruction score from 5 Essentials survey // LEADERS ICON: Effective Leaders category from 5 Essentials survey // LEADERS SCORE: Effective Leaders score from 5 Essentials survey // TEACHERS ICON: Collaborative Teachers category from 5 Essentials survey // TEACHERS SCORE: Collaborative Teachers score from 5 Essentials survey // PARENT ENGAGEMENT ICON: Parent Perception/Engagement category from parent survey // PARENT ENGAGEMENT SCORE: Parent Perception/Engagement score from parent survey // AVERAGE STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Average daily student attendance // RATE OF MISCONDUCTS (PER 100 STUDENTS): # of misconducts per 100 students//AVERAGE TEACHER ATTENDANCE: Average daily teacher attendance // INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM COMPLIANCE RATE: % of IEPs and 504 plans completed by due date // PK-2 LITERACY: % of students at benchmark on DIBELS or IDEL // PK-2 MATH: % of students at benchmark on mClass // GR3-5 GRADE LEVEL MATH: % of students at grade level, math, grades 3-5 // GR3-5 GRADE LEVEL READ: % of students at grade level, reading, grades 3-5 // GR3-5 KEEP PACE READ: % of students meeting growth targets, reading, grades 3-5 // GR3-5 KEEP PACE MATH: % of students meeting growth targets, math, grades 3-5 // GR6-8 GRADE LEVEL MATH: % of students at grade level, math, grades 6-8 // GR6-8 GRADE LEVEL READ: % of students at grade level, reading, grades 6-8 // GR6-8 KEEP PACE MATH: % of students meeting growth targets, math, grades 6-8 // GR6-8 KEEP PACE READ: % of students meeting growth targets, reading, grades 6-8 // GR-8 EXPLORE MATH: % of students at college readiness benchmark, math // GR-8 EXPLORE READ: % of students at college readiness benchmark, reading // ISAT EXCEEDING MATH: % of students exceeding on ISAT, math // ISAT EXCEEDING READ: % of students exceeding on ISAT, reading // ISAT VALUE ADD MATH: ISAT value-add value, math // ISAT VALUE ADD READ: ISAT value-add value, reading // ISAT VALUE ADD COLOR MATH: ISAT value-add color, math // ISAT VALUE ADD COLOR READ: ISAT value-add color, reading // STUDENTS TAKING ALGEBRA: % of students taking algebra // STUDENTS PASSING ALGEBRA: % of students passing algebra // 9TH GRADE EXPLORE (2009): Average EXPLORE score, 9th graders who tested in fall 2009 // 9TH GRADE EXPLORE (2010): Average EXPLORE score, 9th graders who tested in fall 2010 // 10TH GRADE PLAN (2009): Average PLAN score, 10th graders who tested in fall 2009 // 10TH GRADE PLAN (2010): Average PLAN score, 10th graders who tested in fall 2010 // NET CHANGE EXPLORE AND PLAN: Difference between Grade 9 Explore (2009) and Grade 10 Plan (2010) // 11TH GRADE AVERAGE ACT (2011): Average ACT score, 11th graders who tested in fall 2011 // NET CHANGE PLAN AND ACT: Difference between Grade 10 Plan (2009) and Grade 11 ACT (2011) // COLLEGE ELIGIBILITY: % of graduates eligible for a selective four-year college // GRADUATION RATE: % of students who have graduated within five years // COLLEGE/ ENROLLMENT RATE: % of students enrolled in college // COLLEGE ENROLLMENT (NUMBER OF STUDENTS): Total school enrollment // FRESHMAN ON TRACK RATE: Freshmen On-Track rate // RCDTS: Region County District Type Schools Code
Chicago Public Schools – High School Progress Report Card (2012-2013)
data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 2013-11-26T20:22:07.000ZThis dataset shows the 2012 School Progress Report Card data elements for each CPS high school. The report card is an annual summary of how the school is doing. For more information on the School Progress Report Cards, please see http://cps.edu/Schools/Pages/SchoolProgressReportCards.aspx.
Chicago Public Schools - High School Progress Report (2013-2014)
data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 2018-07-11T20:44:35.000ZThis dataset shows the 2013 School Progress Report Card data elements for each CPS high school. The report card is an annual summary of how the school is doing. For more information on the School Progress Report Cards, please see http://www.cps.edu/SCHOOLDATA/Pages/SchoolProgressReports.aspx
2014 Austin Digital Assessment Individual Responses
datahub.austintexas.gov | Last Updated 2024-08-02T20:31:40.000ZThe 2014 Austin Digital Assessment Project was supported by the Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs Office of the City of Austin, the Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute at the University of Texas, and faculty and graduate students from the Department of Radio, Television, and Film and the University of Texas. This dataset includes the individual survey responses. To see aggregated dataset weighted to reflect Austin demographics, refer to the attached document.