LADOT Parking Meter Location Map
data.lacity.org | Last Updated 2024-09-11T13:30:23.000ZInventory of all on-street metered parking spaces in the City of Los Angeles. Includes Space/Meter ID, block-level address, hourly rate, metered time limit, meter operating hours, enforced parking restrictions, and coordinates. Updated as operationally feasible. See <a href="https://data.lacity.org/A-Livable-and-Sustainable-City/Parking-Meter-Occupancy/e7h6-4a3e">"Parking Meter Occupancy"</a> dataset for real-time parking availability at over 5,000 spaces.<br /><br />PLEASE NOTE: Operational changes on the street may create discrepancies between data and posted parking signs. Posted signs determine enforced parking policies.<br />ALWAYS CHECK AND FOLLOW ALL POSTED SIGNS BEFORE PARKING.
LADOT Parking Meter Occupancy - Archive
data.lacity.org | Last Updated 2024-08-27T22:18:35.000ZMonthly archive of all parking meter sensor activity over the previous 36 months (3 years). Updated monthly for data 2 months prior (eg. January data will be published early March). For best-available current "live" status, see <b><u><i><a href="https://data.lacity.org/A-Livable-and-Sustainable-City/LADOT-Parking-Meter-Occupancy/e7h6-4a3e">"LADOT Parking Meter Occupancy"</a></i></u></b>. For location and parking policy details, see <b><u><i><a href="https://data.lacity.org/A-Livable-and-Sustainable-City/Parking-Meter-Inventory/s49e-q6j2">"LADOT Metered Parking Inventory & Policies"</a></i></u></b>. <b>* </b>This dataset is geared towards database professionals and/or app developers. Each file is extremely large, over 300MB at minimum. Common applications like Microsoft Excel will <i>not</i> be able to open the file and show all data. <b>** </b>For best results, import into a database or use advanced data access methods appropriate for processing large files.
LADOT Metered Parking Inventory & Policies
data.lacity.org | Last Updated 2024-09-11T13:30:23.000ZInventory of all on-street metered parking spaces in the City of Los Angeles. Includes Space/Meter ID, block-level address, hourly rate, metered time limit, meter operating hours, enforced parking restrictions, and coordinates. Updated as operationally feasible. See <a href="https://data.lacity.org/A-Livable-and-Sustainable-City/Parking-Meter-Occupancy/e7h6-4a3e">"Parking Meter Occupancy"</a> dataset for real-time parking availability at over 5,000 spaces. PLEASE NOTE: Operational changes on the street may create discrepancies between data and posted parking signs. Posted signs determine enforced parking policies. <b>ALWAYS CHECK AND FOLLOW ALL POSTED SIGNS BEFORE PARKING.</b>
City Employee Payroll (Current)
controllerdata.lacity.org | Last Updated 2024-07-05T12:08:48.000ZPayroll information for all Los Angeles City Employees including the City's three proprietary departments: Water and Power, Airports and Harbor. Data is updated bi-weekly by the Los Angeles City Controller's Office. Payroll information for employees of the Department of Water and Power is updated every three months.
Eco-Totem Broadway Bicycle Count
data.cambridgema.gov | Last Updated 2024-09-06T16:17:24.000ZNOTE: Due to construction on Broadway, we have paused data collection on the Eco-Totem as of June 30, 2024. When construction is complete we will resume updating this dataset. The “Eco-Totem” counter (made by the Montreal-based company Eco-Counter) counts cyclists via in-ground loop detectors embedded under the pavement of Broadway near Kendall Square. The device displays on a monitor how many cyclists pass by, and data is transferred in 15 minute increments daily from the device to Cambridge's Open Data Portal. Funding for this project was generously provided by the Helen & William Mazer Foundation.
Road Construction Projects map
data.calgary.ca | Last Updated 2024-09-11T16:45:10.000ZTransportation Infrastructure (TI) is responsible for many of the major road construction projects that take place in Calgary. Major road construction projects include construction of new roadways, rehabilitation and upgrades to existing roadways, intersection upgrades, and installation of interchanges. Other road construction projects taking place in Calgary may be the responsibility of the Roads Business Unit or the Province of Alberta. The Province oversees the operation and maintenance of Deerfoot Trail and is constructing the Calgary Ring Road. For more information on Provincial road projects visit <a href="http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/4.htm">Alberta Transportation.</a>
Calgary Transit Stops
data.calgary.ca | Last Updated 2024-09-11T16:09:46.000ZCalgary Transit stop locations. A dataset of <a href="https://data.calgary.ca/Transportation-Transit/Calgary-Transit-Routes/hpnd-riq4">Calgary Transit Routes</a> is also available.
New Brunswick Road Network (NBRN) / Réseau Routier du Nouveau-Brunswick (RRNB)
gnb.socrata.com | Last Updated 2024-07-25T12:37:36.000ZThe NBRN is the official source for road data in New Brunswick. The NBRN includes road centerlines, road names, road class, surface type, address ranges and other road attributes. / Le RRNB est la source de données sur les routes officielle du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il contient des renseignements tels que les lignes médianes, les noms, la classification et le type de surface des routes, ainsi que les tranches d'adresses et d’autres attributs des voies de circulation.
The 1995 American Travel Survey (ATS) - Household Trip Characteristics
datahub.transportation.gov | Last Updated 2018-12-19T00:13:37.000ZThe 1995 American Travel Survey (ATS) was conducted by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) to obtain information about the long-distance travel of persons living in the United States. The survey collected quarterly information related to the characteristics of persons, households, and trips of 100 miles or more for approximately 80,000 American households.The ATS data provide detailed information on state-to-state travel as well as travel to and from metropolitan areas by mode of transportation. Data are also available for subgroups defined in terms of characteristics related to travel, such as trip purpose, age, family type, income, and a variety of related characteristics. The data can be analyzed at the regional, state, metropolitan area, and county level.NOTE: In 2001, the National Household Travel Survey was carried out. This new survey is a combined Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) and ATS.
Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems Vehicle Trajectories for Roadside Equipment
datahub.transportation.gov | Last Updated 2024-05-20T17:58:25.000ZData were collected during the Multi-Modal Intelligent Transportation Signal Systems (MMITSS) study. MMITSS is a next-generation traffic signal system that seeks to provide a comprehensive traffic information framework to service all modes of transportation. The Vehicle Trajectories file is populated with basic safety messages received from equipped vehicle within the communication range of an Roadside Equipment (RSEs). The data also contains elements that communicate additional details about the vehicle that is used for vehicle safety applications, and elements that communicate specific items of a vehicle‘s status that are used in data event snapshots which are gathered and periodically reported to an RSEs. These data are transmitted at a rate of 10 Hz. NOTE: All extra attachments are located in Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems Basic Safety Message